Dealing with An Anxious Heart

Let us be honest, everybody is anxious about something one day or another (or even one moment or another), the difference is what makes us anxious, how anxious we are, and how we deal with our anxiety. We can become anxious when we think of the difficult or challenging situations that we face now or that we will or might face in the future. We keep thinking, “What if this happens? What if that happens? What if....What if....What if...?” The list does not end. We become worried that it will cost us too high a price to deal with the current or future/potential difficulties, that it might be too much for us to handle, that it will overwhelm us, like the ocean waves swallowing us up, making us no more, all alone and helpless in the depth of darkness.

Signs of A Nervous/Mental Breakdown

A “nervous breakdown” (or “mental breakdown”) is a term used to describe a period of intense mental distress that occurs progressively or suddenly. During this period, you’re temporarily unable to function in your everyday life. “Nervous breakdown” is not a medical term or a mental health diagnosis, since it does not describe a specific condition. It doesn’t have one agreed-upon definition but is instead used by many people to describe intense symptoms of stress and an inability to cope with life’s challenges. The signs of a nervous breakdown vary from person to person. The underlying cause can also affect the types of symptoms you experience. Here are some common signs of a nervous breakdown that can help you evaluate what you or a loved one is experiencing:

从焦虑到平安 From Anxiety to Peace

When we are overwhelmed with anxiety, even experiencing panic attacks, no one and nothing releases it from the root, except the peace of Jesus Christ. 当我们被焦虑所淹没,甚至经历恐慌时,除了耶稣基督所赐的平安之外,没有任何人或事能将它从根源解除。