
当我们感到生活艰难、压力很大的时候,当我们感到对人失望、被压迫的时候,当我们感到日子很黑暗、生活苍白无色的时候,当我们感觉喜乐如此遥远,似乎已无踪迹可循的时候,我们能在哪里找到希望,并保有在主里的盼望呢? 使徒保罗在罗马书 15:4 中给了我们一个很好的提醒:“从前经上所写的,都是为教训我们而写的,好使我们借着忍耐和圣经中的安慰得着盼望。”

分担彼此的重担 Carry One Another’s Burdens

Suffering alone is not how God has created us to live. He has created us and redeemed us through his Son Christ Jesus, so that we may live and love one another in God's community in our union with Christ and with one another, and this includes carrying one another's burdens and helping one another in need. God calls us to do this as he speaks to us in Gal. 6:2, "Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the laws of Christ." 孤单地独自承受苦难不是上帝创造我们去过的生活。上帝借着祂的儿子耶稣基督创造和救赎我们,是要让我们在与基督的联合中彼此联合,在祂的国里彼此相爱,而这就包含了分担彼此的重担,在有需要时彼此相助。上帝在加拉太书 6:2 中呼召我们这么做:“你们要分担彼此的重担,这样就成全了基督的律法。”