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Carry One Another’s Burdens

Suffering alone is not how God has created us to live. He has created us and redeemed us through his Son Christ Jesus, so that we may live and love one another in God’s community in our union with Christ and with one another, and this includes carrying one another’s burdens and helping one another in need. God calls us to do this as he speaks to us in Gal. 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the laws of Christ.”

Listening Wisely 倾听的智慧

Have you ever reacted quickly and emotionally to what another person had just said, without asking them what they really meant by what they said and getting clarification, but only found out later that you had misunderstood them, that they didn’t mean what you thought they meant? 你是否曾对别人说的话快速和情绪化地作出反应,却没有先问对方他们究竟是什么意思或请他们作出澄清,而后来却发现是你误会了他们,他们所要表达的意思并不是你以为的那样?

情绪与智慧 (Emotions & Wisdom)

God knows what He is doing because everything is from His good and merciful will, happening according to His plan. God is never surprised by anything, nor is he ever at a loss for what to do because all things are always under His control. 上帝知道祂在做什么,因为一切都是出于祂美善的旨意,在按照祂的计划进行。从来没有任何事情会让上帝感到意外或束手无策,因为一切都始终在祂掌权之下……

如何从圣经的角度看待心理学的“接纳与承诺疗法”连载三(完)(A Biblical View on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 3/3)

本系列第一篇连载中介绍了 ACT 总结的心理僵化六大核心心理过程,第二篇介绍了 ACT 针对心理僵化六大核心过程所提出的心理灵活性模型的六大核心步骤,本篇将从圣经角度分析 ACT 的积极面和消极面,介绍如何从圣经的角度看待 ACT 所主张的用于解决人生问题的六大核心步骤,以及圣经所教导的如何理解人生苦难和解决问题的真理。

如何从圣经的角度看待心理学的“接纳与承诺疗法”连载一 (A Biblical View on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 1/3)

本系列文章连载将简要地分析 ACT 的理论,以及基督徒如何从圣经的角度看待 ACT。我们会发现,和许多其它的心理学理论一样,ACT 对人和人的问题有一些很好的观察,但是谈到这些问题背后的原因和解决方法时就与圣经真理背道而驰了。

辅导是一场同行崇拜之旅 (Counseling is a Journey of Worship)

Counseling is a journey that we walk alongside someone – The Lord leads us to meet them in the wilderness of their life, and we listen to their heart’s cry of sadness and/or trouble; we ask them questions and listen to them intently and patiently with compassion, drawing out the human heart that is like deep waters; we walk this journey of hardship with them, we communicate openly and honestly, and we pray together, crying out to God seeking His mercy and help… 辅导就是一段与对方同行的旅程——在她们徘徊迷失于生命旷野之地时,神让我们与她们相遇,并倾听她们发自内心的悲伤哭喊或烦恼倾诉;我们满怀同情地耐心询问与聆听,汲引如深水般的人心;我们与她们同踏这段艰难的旅程,开诚布公地沟通,并同她们祷告,呼求神的怜悯与帮助……