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从焦虑到平安 From Anxiety to Peace

When we are overwhelmed with anxiety, even experiencing panic attacks, no one and nothing releases it from the root, except the peace of Jesus Christ. 当我们被焦虑所淹没,甚至经历恐慌时,除了耶稣基督所赐的平安之外,没有任何人或事能将它从根源解除。



Anger toward God

It’s not surprising that there are many sufferings in life, but sometimes we would meet Christians who are full of anger toward God when they are going through sufferings or unpleasant things in life. Sometimes, we ourselves might complain about God or be angry toward him, accusing him of being unjust, unrighteous, and unloving towards us.

Carry One Another’s Burdens

Suffering alone is not how God has created us to live. He has created us and redeemed us through his Son Christ Jesus, so that we may live and love one another in God’s community in our union with Christ and with one another, and this includes carrying one another’s burdens and helping one another in need. God calls us to do this as he speaks to us in Gal. 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the laws of Christ.”

分担彼此的重担 Carry One Another’s Burdens

Suffering alone is not how God has created us to live. He has created us and redeemed us through his Son Christ Jesus, so that we may live and love one another in God's community in our union with Christ and with one another, and this includes carrying one another's burdens and helping one another in need. God calls us to do this as he speaks to us in Gal. 6:2, "Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the laws of Christ." 孤单地独自承受苦难不是上帝创造我们去过的生活。上帝借着祂的儿子耶稣基督创造和救赎我们,是要让我们在与基督的联合中彼此联合,在祂的国里彼此相爱,而这就包含了分担彼此的重担,在有需要时彼此相助。上帝在加拉太书 6:2 中呼召我们这么做:“你们要分担彼此的重担,这样就成全了基督的律法。”


我们大多数人从小就知道,生活里有很多不顺心的事情,有很多烦恼,有很多苦难。对于基督徒来说,很多人也有这种感悟:自从信主后,我的苦难不是减少了,而是增多了。有这种感悟是再正常不过的,因为事实的确如此。正如耶稣在约翰福音 16:33 中告诉我们的:“在世上你们有患难”,基督徒面对和经历的不只是这被罪污染的破碎世界里原本就有的许多“正常”苦难,还有更严重的来自撒旦的持续攻击(为的是动摇我们的信心,让我们远离神),以及来自我们被罪污染败坏的心所发出的无数罪的攻击。在世界、撒旦和我们自己的罪的三重影响下,基督徒的苦难自然是增多了,但从神的角度来看,这未必是一件坏事,因此,神在罗马书 5:3-5 中提醒和鼓励我们:“不仅如此,我们也以患难夸耀,因为我们知道患难生出忍耐, 忍耐生出品德,品德生出盼望, 而这盼望不使人羞愧,因为神的爱藉着所赐给我们的圣灵,已经倾注在我们的心里。”

Listening Wisely 倾听的智慧

Have you ever reacted quickly and emotionally to what another person had just said, without asking them what they really meant by what they said and getting clarification, but only found out later that you had misunderstood them, that they didn’t mean what you thought they meant? 你是否曾对别人说的话快速和情绪化地作出反应,却没有先问对方他们究竟是什么意思或请他们作出澄清,而后来却发现是你误会了他们,他们所要表达的意思并不是你以为的那样?

情绪与智慧 (Emotions & Wisdom)

God knows what He is doing because everything is from His good and merciful will, happening according to His plan. God is never surprised by anything, nor is he ever at a loss for what to do because all things are always under His control. 上帝知道祂在做什么,因为一切都是出于祂美善的旨意,在按照祂的计划进行。从来没有任何事情会让上帝感到意外或束手无策,因为一切都始终在祂掌权之下……



什么是家暴(家庭暴力/虐待 Domestic Abuse)?哪些行为算是家暴?

有许许多多的人常年生活在家暴中,但是却不知道自己陷入的关系或婚姻是家暴性质。有些人可能只是觉得自己运气很差,谈了或嫁了一个脾气/性格很差、很没耐性的人、一个控制欲很强的人、一个常常生气发怒的人、一个控制不了自己情绪的人、一个常常喝醉发酒疯骂人打人的人、一个不爱家的人、一个不懂得什么是爱不懂得怎么爱的人、一个精神有问题的人、一个曾经受过伤害的人……她们觉得苦不堪言,甚至觉得自己很差劲不够好,觉得人生没有希望。事实真的是这样吗?每个婚姻都会有许多问题和矛盾,但家暴婚姻内的问题却不是普通或正常的婚姻问题,需要和“婚姻问题”区别对待和处理。我们只有看清楚了事实,才能看见“出路”是在哪个方向。 家暴(家庭暴力/虐待)是指亲密关系里的一种胁迫、控制或虐待型行为模式,其中一方利用这类行为来获得或保持对另一方的操纵、控制和支配。这属于一种压迫,包含身体、情感、心理、精神、经济、性各方面的暴力/虐待。