
“为了这事,我曾经三次求主,使这根刺离开我。 他却对我说:‘我的恩典是够你用的,因为我的能力在人的软弱上显得完全。’所以,我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好让基督的能力临到我的身上。 因此,我为基督的缘故,就以软弱、凌辱、艰难、迫害、困苦为喜乐,因为我甚么时候软弱,甚么时候就刚强了。” - 哥林多后书 12:8-10 我们软弱的时候又怎么会是刚强的呢?这似乎讲不通,不是吗?如果不是从圣经的角度来看这个问题,的确很难理解。但是,在神的国度,基督已来纠正一切,将这世界的事情“颠倒”过来了,所以,当我们理解了神对我们的恩典,以及在创造我们的主面前谦卑地生活意味着什么时,这是完全讲得通的。

For When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong

"...a thorn was given me in the flesh...Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." - 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 How can we be strong when we are weak? It doesn't seem to make sense, does it? Without a biblical perspective, it would be hard to understand this. However, in God's kingdom, Christ has come to make things right, to turn things upside down, so it does make perfect sense when we understand God's grace toward us and what it means to live humbly before our Creator God.


让我们坦诚以待吧,每个人都时不时会为某些事情感到焦虑,不同之处在于是什么让我们感到焦虑、我们的焦虑程度,以及我们如何应对焦虑。 当我们思想我们现在面对的或将来会或可能会面对的困难或具有挑战性的情况时,我们可能会感到焦虑,不断地想:“如果发生这事我该怎么办?如果发生那事我该怎么办?如果发生……我该怎么办?如果发生……我该怎么办?如果发生……我该怎么办?”我们害怕发生的事情没有止境。我们担心要应对当前或将来可能会发生的困难会让我们付出过高的代价,担心我们会无法应对,担心困难会像潮水般将我们淹没,让我们沉入完全无助的黑暗中,孤立无援。

Dealing with An Anxious Heart

Let us be honest, everybody is anxious about something one day or another (or even one moment or another), the difference is what makes us anxious, how anxious we are, and how we deal with our anxiety. We can become anxious when we think of the difficult or challenging situations that we face now or that we will or might face in the future. We keep thinking, “What if this happens? What if that happens? What if....What if....What if...?” The list does not end. We become worried that it will cost us too high a price to deal with the current or future/potential difficulties, that it might be too much for us to handle, that it will overwhelm us, like the ocean waves swallowing us up, making us no more, all alone and helpless in the depth of darkness.


“精神崩溃”(或“心理崩溃”)描述的是逐渐或突然出现的,并持续一段时期的强烈的心理痛苦。在此期间,你会暂时无法处理日常生活事务。 “精神崩溃”不是一个医学术语,也不是精神健康诊断,因为它描述的不是一个特定的情况。这个词没有统一的定义,但许多人常用它来描述强烈的痛苦症状和无法应对生活中的挑战。 精神崩溃的症状因人而异,深层的原因也可能会影响你所经历的症状类型。以下是精神崩溃的一些常见症状,能帮助你评估自己或所爱之人当前的经历:

Signs of A Nervous/Mental Breakdown

A “nervous breakdown” (or “mental breakdown”) is a term used to describe a period of intense mental distress that occurs progressively or suddenly. During this period, you’re temporarily unable to function in your everyday life. “Nervous breakdown” is not a medical term or a mental health diagnosis, since it does not describe a specific condition. It doesn’t have one agreed-upon definition but is instead used by many people to describe intense symptoms of stress and an inability to cope with life’s challenges. The signs of a nervous breakdown vary from person to person. The underlying cause can also affect the types of symptoms you experience. Here are some common signs of a nervous breakdown that can help you evaluate what you or a loved one is experiencing:

Why Shouldn’t A Couple Seek Marriage Counseling First If There Is Domestic Violence/Abuse?

Many couples would seek marriage counseling when they struggle in their marriage, that’s a good thing. However, there are a few circumstances under which it is not in the couple’s best interest to seek marriage counseling first. This includes a marriage with domestic violence/abuse because domestic violence/abuse is different from normal marriage conflicts. Domestic Violence/Abuse is a pattern of coercive, controlling, or abusive behavior in an intimate relationship, where one person uses such behaviors to gain or maintain manipulation, control and domination over another person. It is a type of oppression, including physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, psychological, financial abuse/oppression.


当我们感到生活艰难、压力很大的时候,当我们感到对人失望、被压迫的时候,当我们感到日子很黑暗、生活苍白无色的时候,当我们感觉喜乐如此遥远,似乎已无踪迹可循的时候,我们能在哪里找到希望,并保有在主里的盼望呢? 使徒保罗在罗马书 15:4 中给了我们一个很好的提醒:“从前经上所写的,都是为教训我们而写的,好使我们借着忍耐和圣经中的安慰得着盼望。”

Where Can We Find Hope?

When life feels very hard and pressures are high, when we feel let down and pressed down, when days feel dark and life pale, when joy feels far gone with no trace to hold on to, how do we find hope and remain hopeful in God?  The Apostle Paul gives us a great reminder in Romans 15:4, where he says, "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

Who Are You? – Which Voice Do You Listen To?

This world is full of different voices that keep telling us who are are, trying very hard to feed us with their worldview/value systems and ultimately to win our heart and loyalty. Every counselor/therapist has his/her own worldview and provides counseling based on that particular worldview. Here are two typical voices (worldviews) that we hear. Which one do you listen to? And how does that impact your own life and how you see the world?



躁郁(双相)测试 – 测试你是否有躁郁症(双相情感障碍)症状

通过几个主要的问题,测试自己是否有躁郁症的症状。有这些症状,以及症状的轻重程度并不代表您就有躁郁症,因为它们可能是由多个不同原因引起的(例如其它疾病或药物副作用)——此测试结果不能作为诊断,但是能让您对自己的情况有更好的了解,并在适当或必要时与朋友沟通或寻求专业人士的咨询。 如有兴趣进行测试,请将您的回答发送给我们,我们会将测试结果及其所含意义发送给您(可能需要一些时间)。

What is Biblical Counseling?

There are many different terms concerning the word “counseling”, for example, Biblical Counseling, Christian Counseling, Secular Counseling, Psychotherapy, Christian Psychotherapy, Therapy, etc. These terms could cause much confusion, so I will try to briefly explain what Biblical Counseling is about and hope that will help bring a clearer understanding of this term. I will also share some differences between Biblical Counseling and Secular Counseling, as well as some differences between Biblical Counseling and Christian Counseling.

