作者 | Sophie Luo

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul. (Psalm 94:19)

我心里充满忧虑的时候,你就安慰我,使我的心欢乐。(诗篇 94:19)

When we are overwhelmed with anxiety, even experiencing panic attacks, no one and nothing releases it from the root, except the peace of Jesus Christ.


The world, the flesh, and the devil – they all bring anxiety, but the Lord our Savior – He brings peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). He comforts us in the Spirit and calms down the crazy storms raging in our soul, threatening to drown us any minute. He raises our eyes from the big waves in the sea to the heaven above, where His throne is established forever (Psalm 9:7-12). Life – it is a battle of faith.

这个世界、我们的肉体、撒旦——他们都带给我们焦虑,但是我们的救主——他带给我们超过人能了解的平安(腓立比书 4:7)。他在灵里安慰我们,并让在我们心中肆虐,威胁着随时要让我们溺亡的疯狂风暴平静下来。他将我们的双眼从这海上的大浪移开,转而注目天堂——在那里,他的宝座永远坚立(诗篇 9:7-12)。生命,它是一场信仰之战。

By the grace of God, His love draws our heart to Him in trust and in hope, encouraging us to loosen our grip on the things that we hold so dear in our anxiety, and leading us to raise our hands toward Him in repentance and in joy, knowing that He sees our suffering and hears our cry, and He will not delay in His rescue and blessing – the greatest blessing of all is the giving of Himself to us!


Then there in our innermost being, the Lord reigns in us, and peace comes, stilling our many anxious thoughts, leading us to rest in Him alone, just the way we are created to be.


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